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Monthly Journal - February 2022

Updated: Mar 3, 2022

Well, this first picture pretty much sums up February in Engelberg, or at least during the weekends. Busy pistes and... a tracked out Laub. We love it though! You really get the feeling that it's high season and somehow that makes the beer tastes just a tad better in a busy apres-ski bar. We however have some good alternatives if you for some reason want to avoid these tracked out runs and bumpy crowded pistes. The are all tested by at least one of us at the Roastery now in February and we can call them "the nightrider", "the Sunday cruiser" and the

"record an album" alternatives...

First up is "the nightrider". Not a very original tip for all those super ski fanatics out there who anyway run up mountains early in the morning for warm up or late at night for an unwind after work... but for amateur mountaineers like most of us it's a pretty sweet experience. So it all starts with you prepping your gear when most people are cruising down Talabfahrt and heading towards the best after ski in town. When everyone is down and two/three beers in at the after ski... that's when your ski-adventure starts. All you really need is your usual ski touring gear, a good Stirnlampe (unless its full moon), nice company and a warm beverage to consume before skiing down and straight into bed. Upside with this alternative is that you can combine it with a regular day job plus you save money and half a days hangover on those skipped after ski beers. Downside? Well it can be pretty darn cold at night and you only really get those magical full moon ski tours when it's actually full moon.

Another alternative is "the Sunday cruiser". This option is probably the most child and dog friendly and a real crowd pleaser. Cause who doesn't love cruising almost empty slopes and drinking coffee in a lounge chair in the sun? It actually takes you outside Engelberg but of course still in the Engelbergertal, to Bannalp more precisely. Two anchor lifts, four pistes, a snowbar in the sun and loads of ski touring options is what you get here. Upside is pretty much just how relaxed it is and that you have a tired dog when you get home. Downside? Well, only real downside is that Chrüzhütte isn't open in Winter.

Last but not least.. the "record an album" option. This might not be for everyone, pretty much an option limited to seriously talented musicians like our Roaster/Barista; the one and only Gusti. You rarely see him going up the mountain other than in the summer or if he has a gig... so the choice between going up shredding on Titlis a busy sunny day or going to a recording studio is kind of a no brainer for him. Upside to this alternative is that we get some good music to put on whilst shredding the mountain. Check out "Powderfield" and their first track -Proof of life- on your preferred streaming channel and go follow @powderfield_official on instagram to get some insight on recording an album. Downside? Well, it is a very niched alternative and we mostly just mention it to brag about our Gusti.

Well, February has definitely gone by fast (as usual with only 28 days) and some of the highlights have definitely been that the Covid-restrictions are over. Even though the restrictions were gone, Fasnacht didn't really take place in its usual glory due to short preparation time... but we did at least get some feeling for it with a two wagon parade and some classic Guggämusig around town. Now let's breath in the wonderful spring air right now, have a coffee in the sun and enjoy life without a face mask.


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Roastery | Papeterie Engelberg

Dorfstrasse 9

CH-6390 Engelberg



076 268 1018

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