June has been all about rain or at least more rainy/grey weather than sunshine. It however stayed somewhat dry during the amazing annual Food -Unplugged event by the Fürenalp Talstation that took place between the 7and 9th of June. Oscar was lucky enough to go to one of the evening dinners and some of us from the team went to check out the Wood food during the day on Saturday and Sunday. At the wood food there were five dishes to choose from completely cooked over open fire for between 8-10CHF. Absolutely recommended event to go to next year and we are kinda hoping to be a part of it next year and serve some proper open fire outdoor coffee for you there.
Since the weather kept on being somewhat unsteady we decided to set up a coffee workshop here at the Roastery during a Saturday. Anyone who came into the shop had the opportunity to test all of our hand grinders, taste through our blends prepared with different coffee makers and even have a go on our La Marzocco Micra and get a crash course in Latte art. It was a a super fun day with loads of cool coffee talk and we really got the impression that it was an appreciated event so definitely something we'll do again in the future. Until then we regularly have Coffee tasting session here at the Roastery. Our coffee tasting session is a hands on, caffeine filled way to kick start the day in Engelberg for a group of up to 6 people. It's takes approximately 1 hour and consists of an introduction to the wonders of coffee, an Arabica vs Robusta tasting and a blind espresso tasting of blends with and without robusta. Check our our already set dates here or feel free to send an email for other dates or customised requests. We will also have two Barista Courses this summer. The first one on the 6th July and the next one 3rd August.
So what else is happening in Engelberg in July? Well first and most ongoing event is Backstage Engelberg: a big art exhibition with 53 different artists displaying their work at 21 different locations around Engelberg. The exhibition goes on until 18 August.
A big music festival is also coming up in July. Muisiglanzgmeind or if it feels somewhat hard to pronounce you can also call it "Openair Nidwalden" will take place in Wolfenschiessen on the 11-13 July. On the 10th July, the day before the festival officially starts, there will be a "Familien-nachmittag": an afternoon especially for families and kids with live music, a visit from Globi and Schmuggli and other fun kids friendly activities on the festival ground.
Another Kinderfest taking place in July is the Globi und Schmuggli Kinderfest in Engelberg on the 20-21 July. Here you'll find a bunch of different activities for kids around Engelberg; on Trübsee, Brunni, Kurpark and even Eienwäldli camping site.
During that same weekend you can also watch our strong Engelberg team pull some rope at the annual Tug of war competition in Engelberg. This years Seilzeihfest takes place on the 20-21July at the field behind Sportingpark in Engelberg. There you'll find strong men in rugby shorts, traditional swiss event food like Bratchäs and Bratwurst and a really fun sport to watch.
As you can tell summer 2024 is on with all its events and fun going on in Engelberg. Lets just hope that the summer weather decides to check in now aswell. Either way, we are looking forward to some action filled high season summer weeks and hope to see you here in Engelberg!!