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Monthly Journal - July/August 2022

Updated: Oct 3, 2022

Greetings from the summer high season in Engelberg, or now more the last stretch of the summer season. If you have been in Engelberg during the last couple of weeks, you know what we’re talking about; a crowded Coop, busy hiking trails and live music at various bar terraces around town. In other words, the most enjoyable time in Engelberg unless you‘re a hermit.

So what have we been up to at the Roastery? Well, quite a bit to be honest! Mostly making sure the shelves are fully stocked, the ice machine is working, milk delivery is scheduled and the best selling books are ordered for the next busy day. Other than these daily tasks we have also had a roast machine that's been running warm due to fun orders. Luckily, our Rockstar Roaster Gusti has been rocking the roast machine and occasional gigs around town during these busy weeks. Check out the video below from the last "Sommerabenden in Dorf" of the season on Friday the 12th of August when Gusti played some tunes on the Roastery stairs like last year. Why we call him our rockstar roaster? Well, obviously he is and looks the part of a rockstar and as a roaster he put up the goal to try to have at least 2 day old (preferably older) coffee on the shelves during these last couple of weeks... if he succeeded? Let’s just say it was a very ambitious goal… he gave it a good try but pretty much only achieved it on Wednesdays when the shop had been closed for 2 days.

In and around Engelberg there has been a lot of happenings during July and August; various musical events and concerts around town, the annual Tug of war competition, an Irish Music Festival, Rugghubel Berglauf, Titlis Bergtrophy and last but not least the two day long celebration of Switzerlands "Birthday" on 1st August. We of course tried to check out and participate in everything! Sophia went to cheer on the Engelberg Tug of war team at sportingpark, Annemarie rolled down to the hiking trail from her alp to cheer on Sophia running the Rugghubel berglauf, Oscar has been cheering on all of us to package sponsored coffee bags for the Titlis Bergtrophy and all of us have finally been able to cheer and sing and properly celebrate the Swiss national day after 2 years pandemic party pause!

Unfortunately the Bergtrophy got cancelled due to heavy fog last minute. Some you win, some you lose… and it didn’t stop us from serving coffee on “the dark side”. During the Family days (Kinderfest with Schmuggli and Globi) on Brunni and Titlis we could invade the BBQ hut on the Trübsee terrace. Really fun and we are looking forward until the next time soon!

So whats next? The spectacular autumn season is just around the corner and we are excited! Finally the cows will descent from the alps and we can hike the trails without being afraid (yes some of us are a bit scared of cows) and having to dodge the “kuhfladä“ perfectly placed on the trail. Also the Herbstmarkt is coming up, game-season and all its deliciousness is only a couple of weeks away and finally we can start prepping and testroast for this years Chistmas blend!! Too early to mention Christmas you might think? No no, when you think about it, we only have 10 more weeks of preparation time left before EVERYTHING has to be ready for the next big season! No stress if you start on time and makes it possible for us to enjoy the magical inbetween season that Autumn somehow is!


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