Time to sum up the month of July and head towards the last proper summer month of August. How has the summer here in Engelberg been so far? Well, different to say the least. We have certainly had a potpuurri of altering weathers and some of us have really struggled in getting those homegrown tomatoes to ripen properly in lack of proper sunshine and heat. It is also first now, since a week or two back, that we've really needed to stock up on ice for our Iced coffees at the Roastery. Other than that we have of course enjoyed living in the mountains as usual. In sunshine and in rain, there is always plenty to do. You just have to bring the right gear and mentality.
Oscar has mostly been spending his free time in the air learning how to paraglide. We actually succeeded in snapping this shot of him in the air... its actually pretty hard to know who is who up there unless they have a very obvious paraglider. Maybe a Roastery branded paraglider is not such a bad idea after all? Think bright yellow with the Sunny Side icon :)
Annemarie offered one of her sunny weekends at her alp cabin to jump in and work a weekend for the first time in a long time. She seemed to enjoy the different clientel than her usual weekday crowd. Its funny how different weekends are even though its in the middle of the summer holidays now.
Sophia has enjoyed a few hikes on what she calls the "front side" of the Walenstock, mostly loaded with two kids on her back but sometimes also getting to enjoy that refreshing swim in the beautiful Bannalpsee. If you have'nt done the Walenpfad yet, it is definitely time to do it. One of the most beautiful hikes in the area.
Gusti been a busy bee here at the Roastery but also enjoyed some music festivals and played some gigs here and there to save some extra money for his big sailing trip around the world. He has a lot of wisdom in roasting to pass on to his prodigy Louis, who did his first manual roast all alone this month and will be starting to take over more of the roasting from now on. He's gotta be fully trained before Gusti leaves in October. As you can see here in the picture, he's already started to match "Probi" our All Black roast machine.
So what is on the schedule for August except for the big Swiss national holiday on August 1st? Well, lets just hope you have been training those mountain running legs because there are some cool trail running events coming up in August. First one up is the Rugghubel Berglauf on Aug 4th. This race starts just outside the Roastery on Dorfstrasse so if your not up for running it you can watch everyone else who is whilst enjoying a cup of coffee. If you are more of a wanderer but still up for a BIG challenge you can always join the TITLIS Bergtrophy on Aug 10th. We heard they have some nice goodie bags for everyone who attends ;)
For those who enjoy more cultural or calm activities there are also a couple of alternatives. First up is the Silent reading salon that visits Engelberg in the Monastery garden on Aug 3rd. Salon furniture is placed in unusual locations and participants can read and immerse themselves into initiator Shelby Stuarts book "Schwyz.Uri.Unterwalden" (EN/DE) and a good cup of Roastery
Still going on is also the Backstage Art Exhibition at 21 different location around Engelberg. Is you haven't checked it out yet then it is definitely time to do so before it ends on Aug 18th.
Last but not least... Don't miss out on the closing party before the big renovation of Schwimmbad Sonnenberg. On the program on several dates throughout August is for instance an "Arschbomben-Contest" and Hot-Dog festival or the "Sonnenberg Olympiade" with Love musik and BBQ party. Check out the full program below.
Enjoy this last summer month and don't forget to follow us on Instagram for more regular updates on all the fun stuff going on at the Roastery and in Engelberg.